

DateNews titleLink
23/01/2023Sprints next month and Pokapu after that!Link
26/02/2023Orienteering Wellington February NewsLink
04/03/2023Nationals, Pokapu postponed but Easter treats in the pipelineLink
23/03/2023Easter entries close this weekend!Link
26/03/2023New shirts revealed, last chance for Easter and more!Link
04/04/2023Easter 4 Day EventsLink
06/04/2023Easter 4 Day - UpdatesLink
11/04/2023All complete!Link
26/04/2023Orienteering Wellington April NewsLink
13/05/2023Mill Creek EventLink
29/05/2023May monthly updateLink
03/07/2023June, you're over and out!Link
04/08/2023Weekend events: Night...🌙 and Day...🌥️Link
06/08/2023Putting the OW in Wellington's WOW!Link
13/09/2023Orienteering Wellington - Your September newsLink
05/11/2023Orienteering Wellington - Afterwork series and AGMLink
06/12/2023Social and AGM eveningLink

Sprints next month and Pokapu after that!

23/01/2023 Link

Orienteering Wellington February News

26/02/2023 Link

Nationals, Pokapu postponed but Easter treats in the pipeline

04/03/2023 Link

Easter entries close this weekend!

23/03/2023 Link

New shirts revealed, last chance for Easter and more!

26/03/2023 Link

Easter 4 Day Events

04/04/2023 Link

Easter 4 Day - Updates

06/04/2023 Link

All complete!

11/04/2023 Link

Orienteering Wellington April News

26/04/2023 Link

Mill Creek Event

13/05/2023 Link

May monthly update

29/05/2023 Link

June, you're over and out!

03/07/2023 Link

Weekend events: Night...🌙 and Day...🌥️

04/08/2023 Link

Putting the OW in Wellington's WOW!

06/08/2023 Link

Orienteering Wellington - Your September news

13/09/2023 Link

Orienteering Wellington - Afterwork series and AGM

05/11/2023 Link

Social and AGM evening

06/12/2023 Link